Archives: Events

SUMMER CLUB SESSIONS – Sun pm & Wed pm: Golf (primarily), Tue reserved for visitors (U3A 1st & 3rd pm), Tue 6pm: Golf Teams, Thu 5/6pm: Association
WINTER – 2nd & 4th Sun 11am: One Ball, pm: Golf

KEY Club Session Association Fixture Golf Fixture Open Tournament Croquet SE/England Event Private Event SOCIAL OTHER (coaching etc)

All events leave at least one lawn free, except where noted.


The Stables, Church of St Alban's, Frant

Coffee from 10:30am, Meeting starts at 11am. Lunch at about 12:30pm.

First Aid course

The Stables, Church of St Alban's, Frant

Provided by the Red Cross (up to 15 people). The cost is a nominal one for a simple lunch etc.  


Introduction to Croquet Course

This course is run by several of our experienced, qualified coaches over two days (28th April and 5th May) and teaches you how to play both of the main variations of Croquet. The second...


Introduction to Croquet Course

This course is run by several of our experienced, qualified coaches over two days (28th April and 5th May) and teaches you how to play both of the main variations of Croquet. The second...


Open Day

For newcomers/novices - free of charge

Golf Croquet Coaching (Intermediate)

More advanced techniques and strategies aimed to help those with mid-range handicaps to improve and reduce their handicap ratings. by Katherine Minchin Entries to Kate Sander


Waldron AC Coaching (all lawns)

RTWCC members can attend this AC coaching day free of charge, but please contact Jolyon Creasey, who's running the day, beforehand

Lewis Shield

Our heat for the CA All England Handicap event.

Introduction to Croquet Course

This course is run by several of our experienced, qualified coaches and teaches you how to play both of the main variations of Croquet. The price is £20. Coffee and tea will be provided,...


National Croquet Day (all lawns)

Free introduction to croquet taster sessions around the country. At Tunbridge Wells we'll be running a number of introductory sessions and fun competitions.

Waldron coaching (2 lawns)

By Jolyon Creasey - AC coaching for (essentially) beginners and open to all club members at no charge. Please contact Jolyon directly to participate.

Introduction to Croquet Course

This course is run by several of our experienced, qualified coaches and teaches you how to play both of the main variations of Croquet. The price is £20. Coffee and tea will be provided,...


Introduction to Croquet Course

This course is run by several of our experienced, qualified coaches and teaches you how to play both of the main variations of Croquet. The price is £20. Coffee and tea will be provided,...


Introduction to Croquet Course

This course is run by several of our experienced, qualified coaches and teaches you how to play both of the main variations of Croquet. The price is £20. Coffee and tea will be provided,...


Penshurst demonstration

Penshurst Place

We visit Penshurst Place and set up a lawn to demonstrate Croquet to visitors, of which there are many as it's Bank Holiday Monday!