Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Phone number *Email *ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION *Full membership: £100Student: £35Second Club: £35Social member: £35Voluntary DonationA donation to the Club’s maintenance and development fund. This is eligible for Gift Aid if you pay UK income or capital gains tax - if we don't have a form from you please fill in our Gift Aid document.TOTAL PAYMENT *I'm paying by *Bank TransferCheque (send to our Treasurer please, not the Secretary)We're not taking membership renewal payments via credit cards/Paypal to minimise our banking costs. You will receive our bank details in your confirmation.DATA PROTECTION: Consents related to our clubI agree to allow my phone, email address and handicaps to be displayed on the list in Clubhouse and emailed to other membersI agree to receive occasional croquet-related correspondence from the clubOur full Privacy Notice including Data Protection consents for Croquet England is here. You automatically become eligible to be an Associate of CqE at no additional cost. You can apply for full membership online on their website citing your Full Membership of our club.MessageSubmit