Croquet South East Leagues
We play matches against other clubs in Croquet South East (used to be SECF) in both the Association and Golf Leagues. Sometimes we also play in Croquet England’s inter-club competitions.
Teams of four (three for the B league) play four matches (two at home and two away) during the year in four of the Leagues – two Association and two Golf Croquet. These are very friendly and great FUN.
To allow for holidays/sickness we need to have at least 6 and preferably 8 players to sign up for each league. Everyone who puts their name down should get selected for at least one match.
The club subsidises travel for Away matches and lunches for Home matches.
For detailed League rules see here.
Association Leagues: The B League is handicap play for “improvers” with handicaps 10 and over. It’s to a base of 6 which means everybody gets at least 4 bisques. We have struggled for enough people to sign-up to make a team for this recently. We only need 3 players for a team now, so offers welcome!
The U League is also handicap play and is open to better players as well.
Golf Croquet Leagues: there’s one league for traditional Handicap play, and one for Level play (ie no bisques/extra turns). The Handicap one is open to all (we try to use players with handicaps 5+), the second league is restricted to handicaps 2 and above.
If you want to be part of one of our teams please use the form at the bottom of this page.
Croquet South East organises a number of one and two-day team tournaments throughout the year. These are all usually teams of 4 players (3 players for the One Ball). More details of the events can be seen on the Tournaments page and for dates the Event diary.
AC Doubles: one day 14-point games Handicap Play mid May @ Southwick
AC Short Croquet: @ Ealing
GC Southern Challenge: Level Play end June/early July @ Southwick/Surbiton
GC Carnival Day: Handicap Play, Doubles and Singles, early August @ Southwick
GC Ladies Day: Handicap Play mid August @ Southwick
We’ll definitely enter and pay for the One Ball and all the Golf ones and will support entry in the others if there are enough volunteers to form a team (plus some reserves)!
League/Tournament Entry
If you would like to play in one or more of these leagues/tournaments please let us know by using this form (ignore our internal competitions after 31st March). If you’re in any doubt about whether you should play please talk to one of the Committee Members.