
Membership costs per calendar year, 1st January to 31st December 2025 (including free tuition):

  • First Year: £60 (£40 if joining after 1st September, £30 after 1st October. Joiners after 1st December pay £70 to include the following year’s full membership.)
  • Second and subsequent years: £120
  • Student Membership: £45 (for full time students under the age of 25)
  • Second Club Membership: £45 (for those with another club registered as their primary club at Croquet England).
  • Social Member: £45
  • Corporate Membership: please contact the Chairman to discuss this

In order to cater for exceptional or unforeseen circumstances these rates may be varied by the Club’s Officers.

You can apply and pay online using our New Members Application Form.

Alternatively contact the Honorary Secretary and arrangements will be made for a member to meet you at the club.

Members (not Students under 18 and Social Members) are entitled to a key, to give them access to the club at all times. Since the club owns expensive equipment which can be easy to damage you will receive your key after you’ve been given a short introduction to our facilities and how to use them. Please contact the Honorary Secretary to organise this. (If you need a new key then the cost will be £20, which we have to pay to the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council). The key remains the property of the Club, so please return it if you ever cease to be a member!

Information about clothing with our logo on and some other items, such as mallets and badges, is available on our croquet equipment page.

Full membership entitles you to free “Associate Membership” of Croquet England, but you don’t  get this  automatically because we would otherwise need to ask for about 5 different consents to comply with GDPR before proceeding.

To sign up for this you need to go here:  to join as an Associate, and record us as your primary club (full membership) which our Secretary will then need to confirm.

You may, instead, wish to consider joining Croquet England as a Premium Member if you intend entering tournaments on the Croquet England calendar, or Supporter Member if not.  You can see the additional benefits and costs of these options on this same page.

Note: Since we are a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) any Donations over and above the normal membership fees can be declared to HMRC under Gift Aid and both you and us get a tax benefit. More details on the benefits of Gift Aid and how to claim it are on this separate page.

Our membership fee doesn’t cover all our costs on its own, so all additional donations are gratefully received!!!