New Member Application Form

To join please fill in the form below and press Submit, then make your payment of £60 or £40 after 1st September, £30 after 1st October. If you join after 1st December it is £70 to include the following year’s membership. (see details below Submit button).

If two or more of you wish to join at the same time (and perhaps make a single payment) we’d appreciate it if you could fill in this form separately for each person and leave a note in the message box about the payment.

1. Our clubhouse list includes member's name, telephone number(s), email address and croquet handicaps. 2. Croquet-related correspondence refers to the occasional email or written correspondence relating to club activities or other croquet related matters that we hope may be of interest to you. Our full Privacy Notice is on this website.
Please note that when you join you are automatically eligible to be an Associate member of Croquet England at no additional cost. You can apply for CqE membership online on their website citing your Full Membership of our club.
1. Your membership fee is for the current calendar year. If you wish to apply your payment to next year's membership please state that in the comments box above. 2. You'll be sent our account details and Treasurer's address in our acknowledgement.