Croquet can be a really easy game, but it really helps your enjoyment of the game if you’ve been taught how to hold your mallet, hit a ball properly, run hoops, make breaks and the proper rules!
See our for our one day Introduction to Golf Croquet
The cost for the course is just £30 per person, and will include light refreshments.
Your membership fee for the year will be reduced from £60 to £30 if you decide to join the club and pay at the end of the course.
Don’t worry if you know nothing about croquet – this course is designed for you! Or if you have played croquet before, perhaps in the garden, but aren’t really sure about all the rules, then come along – we’ll teach you everything you need to know.
The course will be run from 10am to 3pm including a break for lunch and several tutored play sessions. The overall structure is:
– How to hold a mallet, hit straight and run hoops
– Simple tactics
– Supervised play
– More supervised play
What you need is
- a pair of flat soled shoes (trainers are fine),
- your packed lunch,
- drinks, apart from tea and coffee which we provide,
- the cafe in the park should be open as are local shops within 5 mins walk, but queues can build up if it’s a nice day.
Don’t forget to let your friends know that you’re coming, so that they can join you! It’s more fun that way.
To discuss this or for further information contact our Chief Coach, Jon Diamond, on 07885 372605 or by email: information about croquet and our club can be found on the rest of this website