Author: Jon Diamond

February one ball

February one ball

A lovely day, apart from the temperature! Nevertheless 5 hardy people came and enjoyed 4 games, plus sausage rolls to warm us up. Lawn 2 in excellent condition and surprisingly fast – all in...



At our AGM today the Committee was re-elected unopposed and the subscriptions are unchanged for 2018 (they haven’t changed since 1995!). Details of the programme for 2018 were discussed, with most of the dates...

First Aid Course

First Aid Course

Following the odd accident over the years we thought it would be advisable if more of our members were actually trained to be able to provide First Aid assistance.   So we have organised...

Data Protection

Data Protection

In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a new General Data Protection Regulation that comes into effect in May 2018. So the Committee has approved a new Privacy Policy to comply with this.  The policy...