Barney wins on Opening Day!
Once again, Barney Lewis proved to be Top-of-the-One-balls, his single-point defeat of John Greenwood being the deciding factor when both ended up on 3 wins out of 4 games.
A decent attendance of ten players turned out for the Charity One-ball heat, played on our April 8th Opening Day, very grey with occasional mizzle, but with lawns 1 and 2 running well.
Jeff claimed his eyesight was op-affected, but gradually improved and broke his duck by being the only person to beat Barney. Kate had nearly done so but “fell at the last”, leaving her free to compose the usual excellent lunch.
We raised £90 for the nominated charity – Downs Syndrome Association. Good show!
Golf Croquet was played in the afternoon, but there are no results to report.