In each ladder you can challenge any person up to 5 positions above or below you
The person challenged must fix a date within a week of being challenged which is no later than two weeks (four weeks in the winter) from the challenge date or you receive a walkover and move up one place.
You should not accept a challenge if you already have a ladder game outstanding. -
The winner moves up one place OR takes the position of the loser, with the loser moving down one place, as do any other players between the two players who have played the game.
Golf: the normal format is one 13-point game Association: the normal format is 14-point handicap games with a 1.5 hour time limit.
However, if you agree then you can play any format you like, e.g. Golf: Best of three 13-point games or a single 19-point game or Association: 18 or 26 point games and Handicap or Advanced to a 3 hour time limit or even no time limit at all. -
The winner will be the player at the top of each ladder at the end of the season, provided that they have played at least one game.
The ladder is meant to be a competitive, fun tournament with a trophy. Games DO count for CA handicap cards. lf you do not have a CA handicap card, please make sure you have one and fill it in.
The sequence of starting places is in mostly random order, with previous winners at the bottom!
Or it’s the order of people joining the ladder! -
Anybody can join the ladder after it starts. Just find a tab write your name on it add it to the bottom of the list!