Richard Clark and John Hobbs awarded Honorary Life Membership and AGM report

John Hobbs and Richard Clark presented with their long-service awards
Richard Clark and John Hobbs were awarded Honorary Life Membership and presented with glass awards because of their long-term contributions to the club as past-Chairman, Coaches and many other things at our AGM, held in Frant on Saturday 22nd February.
The main items covered were:
- with 22 new members in 2019 our club membership increased to a record of 73 (including one corporate member)
- we ran 4 Introductory Course with 30 participants
- 34 people came for National Croquet Day
- our part of the Simon Carter Golf Croquet World Championship ran well, giving us a financial surplus rather than the budgeted loss, many due to our local sponsors AV Trinity, Thomson Snell & Passmore and Wells Associates plus a grant from Royal Tunbridge Wells Together. As part of this we managed to refurbish our lawn furniture and gain some new flags.
- We should draw a veil over our participation in SECF events
- congratulations to Barney Lewis on reaching the final of the Croquet Association’s All England Handicap competition.
- we had a surplus of about £2,000 and a number of suggestions for using this were discussed, including redecorating the clubhouse and possibly acquiring a defribilator
- badgers were attacking the lawns, and were being repelled, but with difficulty
- the lawns would likely shut for autumn maintenance during the week of 14th September (for up to 8 weeks?)
- we would be running some new AC 14-point tournaments and a trial GC Mixed Doubles in addition to our regular ones
- subscriptions remain the same, but green fees were increased
- Nigel Barton retired from the Committee, following his move to Seaford, but Chris Barham had been co-opted in his place. All the Committee were re-elected.

Competition Winners with John and Richard
Award Citations
Richard Clark was club chairman in 2005-6 and the main driver behind the lawn relaying and Equipment Store building projects, raising some £40,000 including £26,000 in grants. This was recognised by the club being awarded the CA’s Aps Heley award for the second time. He followed this by renegotiating our lease, giving us a safe home until 2028. In addition he provided much coaching over a long period of time. He was awarded the Croquet Association Diploma in 2007.
John Hobbs was club chairman from 2001-2004, being a member of the committee for 16 years. He’s been well known as a mallet maker for many years, but sadly has had to retire from this. He’s provided many mallets to members and the club at very favourable rates. He’s used his wood-working skills on the Equipment Store (there’s a photo on our website) and also provided much coaching to the club over a long time. He was awarded the Croquet Association Diploma in 2006.