Richard Mann wins Lewis Shield

Our round of the CA All-England Handicap competition attracted just the minimum four entrants needed to allow one player to go forward to the Surbiton semi-finals in August.

The format chosen was three 18-point games (when your first ball makes hoop 1, its partner is immediately for 3-back, i.e. hoop 9) with a 2-hour time-limit. This worked well as most games were close and finished (or nearly) and we were off home just on 5 pm.

After total brain-failure by Alex in the first game when about to peg the second ball out against Richard (unnecessary use of a dead ball) led to a 3-ball ending, Richard not only won that one, but completed the clean sweep to take away the Lewis Trophy and the ticket to Surbiton.

Barney Lewis (10) beat Chris Barham (8) +1t
Richard Mann (8) beat Alex Jardine (2) +1
Richard beat Chris +1t
Alex beat Barney +8
Alex beat Chris +2
Richard beat Barney +lots

Richard Mann 3/3
Alex Jardine 2/3
Barney Lewis 1/3
Chris Barham 0/3 (but all very close)