We’re re-opening!!!!

Following the changes to HM Government’s Guidance in relation to Covid-19 we are now able to open our season starting opening tomorrow, Wednesday, for a limited amount of play. Sadly, we’re not able to have the usual opening events, but nevertheless we’re opening!!

Please read the following guidelines, based on the Croquet Association advice as to what is allowed and not allowed for the next phase of the Lockdown easing.

  • The Clubhouse is open only to the extent required to access equipment, toilet and hand washing facilities.

  • We have provide hand sanitiser for players, but it’s safer to wash your hands with soap and water.

  • We’re not having any regular (social) sessions. Only pre-arranged singles games or individual practice are permitted, but you can double-bank games.

  • No extra-curricular or social activity is permitted.

  • No guests or visitors are permitted. Spectators must remain outside our fencing.

  • To avoid sharing mallets, members can borrow a club mallet for a while. Personal mallets should not be stored in the clubhouse or equipment store

  • Corner markers and clips have been removed from the trolleys, as they shouldn’t be used


  • Do not go to the club if you are experiencing any symptoms of a cold or flu, in particular a cough or high temperature. Use the NHS helpline and seek advice. For your own protection, follow the advice about self-isolation if you are, or are living with, someone in one of the vulnerable groups.

  • You should only play with people from your own household or by yourself or, as long as you stay 2 metres apart, with one other person from outside your household. Groups of more than two people must all be from the same household. This means you cannot have two or three people from one household plus one person from outside the household playing together. But two people, from two different households, can play together as long as they stay 2 metres apart.

  • To arrange a game please ask for a game or let others know that you’ve organised one via our WhatsApp Group, otherwise you may have to wait (walk around the park)

  • If all 3 lawns are being played on and someone else arrives could the people who’ve been playing longest, or just practising, give way as soon as possible

  • Any activity should be in line with the Government’s social distancing measures at all times, including when going to or from a lawn. Consequently, do not shake hands before or after a game.

  • Wash your hands and clean any equipment you use, such as hoops, balls and club mallets, before and after you play with the wipes (make sure you put the lid of these back on after use please)

  • When setting out and taking in a court, only one person should handle the hoops and the peg

  • Clean padlocks, keys and door handles before and after use

  • Avoid using toilets wherever possible and clean after use

  • If possible, dress appropriately prior to travelling to the club, rather than changing there

  • Bring any food or drink you might need and do not use the club crockery, glasses etc.

  • Players should agree the score at the end of each scoring turn. Personal counters should be used to keep count of bisques/extra turns

  • Avoid using movable chairs as far as possible, otherwise clean them before and after use

  • Use your feet, rather than hands, to position balls where you can do so with sufficient precision

  • If it rains and you need to shelter you can wind out the awnings (but please not to their maximum extent and definitely not if it’s windy)
