Richard Clark

Richard Clark winning our internal competitions in 2006!
It is with sadness that we have to tell you that Richard died this week, aged just 90.
He had been ill for a long while and had to retire from croquet playing in 2018 because of his ill health.
He joined the club in 2000 when he moved to Crowborough on retiring from Devon County Council, where he had been Chief Executive. He became a Committee member in 2002 and Chairman in 2005 for two years. During this time he negotiated a new long lease from the Borough Council.
He then raised some £14,000 from our members and £26,000 through grants from the Lottery, Croquet Association and others towards relaying our lawns in 2005, which we’re still enjoying today.
He was awarded a CA Diploma in 2007 in recognition of this and the work in enhancing Calverley Grounds.
He was an excellent coach and will be a much missed mentor to many players, and a true supporter to the club.