Archives: Events

SUMMER CLUB SESSIONS –  Sun pm & Wed pm: Social GC. Tue 1st & 3rd pm: Visitors (U3A ). Tue 6pm: Golf Teams. Thu 5 pm: Social AC.
WINTER CLUB SESSIONS –  Sun 11am: Social AC (AC One Ball on 2nd & 4th Sun). Sun pm: Social GC. Wed pm: Social GC

KEY Club Session Association Fixture Golf Fixture Open Tournament Croquet SE/England Event Private Event SOCIAL OTHER (coaching etc)

All events leave at least one lawn free, except where noted.

Opening Day

One Ball am (local heat for CA Charity event) and Golf pm with catered lunch.

Opening Day

Our One Ball heat for the Croquet Association One Ball competition starts at 10am. Should be finished by 12:30pm Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm (price tba). Golf Croquet 1:30pm-4pm

Winter Club Sessions

One Ball from 11am - Golf Croquet pm. Lunch may be provided, depending on the caterer availability!

Winter Club Sessions

One Ball from 11am - Golf Croquet pm. Lunch may be provided, depending on the caterer availability!

Winter Club Sessions

One Ball from 11am - Golf Croquet pm. Lunch may be provided, depending on the caterer availability!

Winter Club Sessions

One Ball from 11am - Golf Croquet pm. Lunch may be provided, depending on the caterer availability!

Opening Day – CA One Ball heat am

One Ball from 10am (our heat for the Croquet Association annual charity handicap event) - Golf Croquet pm. Lunch should be provided, depending on the caterer availability!

GC Coaching (2 lawns)

Pre-season workshop for club members by Richard Carline from the Croquet Academy. Cost likely to be £15 Registration to Participants: John Allen (12) for 30th Bruce Edwards (5) Paul Gamba for 30th John...

GC Coaching (2 lawns)

Pre-season workshop for club members by Richard Carline from the Croquet Academy. Cost likely to be £15 Registration to Participants: John Allen (12)  Beverley Brown (10) Paul Gamba (7) Simon Mars (12)

Opening Day

10am CA Charity One-Ball heat in support of MIND. Entry is a minimum donation of £10 and includes Soup and Ploughman’s lunch provided by Kate (as usual). Lunch is available to those who don’t...

Opening Day – includes our Charity One Ball heat

CA charity One Ball heat 10am Golf pm The charity for the One Ball is the British Heart Foundation, so the colour (for clothing) is Red. To enter a minimum donation of £10 is...