Author: Jon Diamond

Historic stuff added

Historic stuff added

As we come to the end of the year the History page has had a brief summary of 2021 added (not much happened really). We’ve also added a list of previous Committee members, at...

Xmas Supper returns!

Xmas Supper returns!

Our first real social event for 2021 happens, thanks to Jane Smith as organiser. 18 people managed to get to the Spotted Dog for a lovely supper on the 10th.

Coaching support received from Kent Sport

Coaching support received from Kent Sport

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve received a grant from Kent Sport to support our GC coaching plans for next year. We’re planning on at least 3 one day courses, mostly focussed at beginner...

Nine playing today!

Nine playing today!

Our second One Ball of the season attracted 9 players – enjoying the suddenly chilly but sunny weather. The lawns are in really good condition considering – not as slow as some expected… More...

Winter season

Winter season

Don’t forget that our winter season started on 1st November. This means a different schedule of club sessions: 1st and 3rd Sundays – 11am: One Ball, PM: Golf Saturdays 10:30am Social AC (probably until...

Another win for Jack Ingle!

Another win for Jack Ingle!

On a damp, soggy and very slow lawn after some considerable rain Jack managed to beat Jolyon Creasey by 9 hoops in the Calverley Cup. Unusually in a handicap game Jolyon pegged out one...

Finals Day Report

Finals Day Report

Well, despite the meteorologists saying that Autumn had arrived, it still hasn’t really made it to Tunbridge Wells and Finals Day last Sunday was rainless and a very pleasant temperature, with the lawns playing...

David Dray wins 14-point tournament

David Dray wins 14-point tournament

Our last AC 14-point for the season was perfectly formed, if with fewer players than we’d hoped. A lovely day welcomed 6 players, including two from Oxford and Medway, to our really nicely playing...