Author: Jon Diamond

Lawns re-opening

Lawns re-opening

As you can see above Kate and Michael (and I) have been transferring loads of topsoil into our flower beds in preparation for replanting for next season, but more importantly you can see Ray...

SECF League Results

SECF League Results

The season is now over and we can now see how well our teams have done this year: A league: 4/6 (our highest ever position!) U league: 14/14 GC Level league: 7/9 Restricted league:...

Autumn Maintenance

Autumn Maintenance

This is now scheduled for Monday 24th September, subject to the weather. Since it consists of levelling and tons of top dressing the lawns are likely to be out of action for at least...

Four competitions complete on Final Day

Four competitions complete on Final Day

A glorious day dawned on a Sunday early in September, so it must be Finals Day! This year three finals of our competitions were played and there were more spectators than players – the...